12 Things A Husband Should Never Say To His Pregnant Wife


By Sharanya Manola Last Updated:


12 Things A Husband Should Never Say To His Pregnant Wife

Husbands, pay attention! You are skating on thin ice if your wife is pregnant. So, be wary of what you say to her because you never know how she would react.

Unlike you, her body is undergoing physical and hormonal changes and her emotions are all over the place.

So, if you do not want to end up pissing off your wife, here are a couple of things you must not say to her when she is expecting.

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#1. I have had a good night’s sleep

things men should not say to their pregnant wife

Image Courtesy: Shaadi Ke Side Effects

Talk about sleep and she is going to forget who you are, and let all hell lose upon you! Remember her body is undergoing phenomenal changes internally as well as externally. Sleep does not come easy to her during this time, and it is one luxury she yearns for.

#2. You are so moody!

things men should not say to their pregnant wife

Image Courtesy: Hasee To Phasee

We know you put up with a lot when your wife is pregnant. But, you cannot compare that to what she is actually going through. Her hormones are raging and her emotions are bound to be all over the place. So, make sure you do not prick her with something like ‘what’s with your mood swingsthese days?’

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Also Read: 5 Simple Ways To Treat Mood Swings In Women

#3. What is there to worry about?

things men should not say to their pregnant wife
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There must be a million things going on in her head and a flush of emotions might be overwhelming her, so it is pointless to ask what is bothering her. You can never have a solution to all her worries. So, just hug her real tight and make her feel that you are in it with her.

Must Read: 8 Ways To Be A Perfect Husband To A Pregnant Wife

#4. Let us have sex!

things men should not say to their pregnant wife

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Woah! Chances are, your wife may be struggling with body image issues, and is worried about the already parched sex life. Try to keep the momentum of love going by getting intimate with your partner in other ways. However, sex would not hurt, provided your doctor says a ‘yes’. But, try to find out if she is genuinely aroused.

There are many other ways to show your love for your partner, as mentioned here: 12 Romantic Things Happy Couples Do Together That Have Nothing To Do With Sex

#5. ...but you just had dinner!

things men should not say to their pregnant wife

Image Courtesy: Salaam Namaste

Of course, she just had dinner. But, by the virtue of being pregnant she is supposed to eat for two! A pregnant woman will generally feel more hungry. So, do not question her hunger pangs!

Also Read: 5 Most Unusual And Weird Pregnancy Cravings

#6. Some celebs do not look like they just delivered a baby

things men should not say to their pregnant wife

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A woman knows that during pregnancy, her body will undergo a tremendous physical change and it will take her time to get back in shape. Since she is already worried about that, your mention of 'post-pregnancy hot-bod-flaunting-celebs' is going to make her upset. Trust us, superstars like Shilpa Shetty and Beyonce have plenty of money to spend on dieticians and fitness trainers to get them ready for their industry within weeks! Besides, admit it: not everybody is genetically blessed, right? Not even you!

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#7. Let us walk a bit faster!

things men should not say to their pregnant wife

Image Courtesy: Kahaani

For goodness sake, she has a baby growing in her womb, which will limit the speed in which she walks. So, if you are planning to go out for an evening walk, make sure you hold her hand, engage her in fun talks, and walk at her pace.

#8. I know how you feel, honey!

things men should not say to their pregnant wife

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No way, because you don’t! How do you expect her to believe you when she knows that pregnancy is something she is experiencing on her own? Of course, you are her partner, but any word of empathy here will work against you.

Find out if your wife is also doing any of the following: 16 Unnecessary Things You Stress About When In A Relationship

#9. Does the stretch marks cream work?

things men should not say to their pregnant wife

Gif via Giphy

So far you would have understood that pregnancy is no joke. The more you mention about the physical changes in her body, like weight and stretch marks, the higher the chances of her chiding you. Let her worry about what is to be done on her own. You just be supportive of her as that is your only job during this time.

#10. I am going for a party with friends!

things men should not say to their pregnant wife

Gif via Giphy

Do you think she is going to like the fact that while she is at home, you come home three beers down? Act like a grown man because she wants you to be around her most of the times.

Instead of going to a party, why not surprise your wife? Read here 6 Brilliantly Creative Ideas To Gift Jewellery To Your Partner

#11. I will not be able to make it to the doctor’s today!

things men should not say to their pregnant wife

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Of course she can see the doctor on her own, but she considers you as her support system. So, obviously she wants you to go with her. Besides, every time she has an ultrasound won't it be exciting to see your baby developing in her womb?

#12. What are your thoughts on having a second baby?

things men should not say to their pregnant wife

Image Courtesy: Friends

Second baby! You would be crazy, if you talk her into a second baby conversation, right in the middle of her pregnancy. She is already dealing with so much and might need some time to think on those lines again. Her reaction to such a mention will only be anger and we are sure you do not want that.

Recommended Read: Emotional Journey Of A Woman During Pregnancy

Guys, make sure you pamper your wife and not say anything hurtful (intentionally or unintentionally) to her during her pregnancy. After all, she is bringing a new life into this world! And ladies, if you are expecting or planning a baby make sure you share this with your husbands and male friends. These words of wisdom will prepare them for those nine months and beyond.

Cover Image Courtesy: Shaadi Ke Side Effects
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