6 Surprising Facts Could Be The Reason Why You Are Gaining Weight Out Of Nowhere


By Kanika Kothari Last Updated:


6 Surprising Facts Could Be The Reason Why You Are Gaining Weight Out Of Nowhere

Have you been losing your mind over shedding those extra kilos? Are you strictly eating everything that says ‘low-fat’? Even after trying your hand at everything related to weight loss, did you still end up gaining more? Then read on.

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People have always associated fitness with fat loss or weight loss. In the struggle to achieve the perfect figure overnight, you may subject your body to several kinds of dietary abuses, including crash diets and over-indulgence in ‘low-fat’ products. However, you do not realise that there are many other factors that can lead to weight gain, including your eating habits and your lifestyle choices. So, take a look at some surprising reasons that are shrewdly adding those extra layers to your body.

#1. Starving your body

Weight Loss

If you think that by eating sparingly for fifteen days, you will get in shape, then it is utter rubbish! Bodies that go into the sudden starvation mode, end up saving more calories than burning them. Your body is like a system, which needs fuel to conduct its basic metabolic activities, including burning the fat. Hence, when you move towards a crash diet, your body starts saving up the existing energy instead of dispersing it.

#2. Watch what you eat!

Weight Loss

Binging on food labelled as ‘low-fat’ can also make you gain weight. Such products often have high levels of sugar, which add to the calorie count and therefore, leading you on to gain weight on a sly. Hence, instead of going for such items, resort to fresh home-cooked food to aid your weight loss.

Also Read: 9 Common Foods That Are Incredibly Effective To Burn Tummy Fat

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#3. Sedentary lifestyle

Weight Loss

Are you eating right, but still failing to lose those kilos? It is about time you pay a close attention to your lifestyle. Having a sedentary and lazy life or being a couch potato can be a major reason behind those excess tyres around your tummy. Switch to an exercise regime that is well-suited for your body or cultivates an interest in a few sports activities. Try yoga, swimming, jogging or dancing to lose weight. Even a simple brisk walk for 30 minutes every day can help you in a big way.

#4. Check your meds

Weight Loss

Certain prescription medicines have side-effects that can lead to sudden weight gain as well. You need to check with your doctor, to confirm your fears. If possible, get him to prescribe other medicinal substitutes that do not have such drastic side-effects on your body and its metabolism.

Also Read: High In Good Fats And Protein, Peanut Butter Helps In Boosting Your Weight Loss Journey

#5. Sleeping patterns

Weight Loss

Does sleep elude your eyelids, during the night? You may not realise this but this too can be a reason behind your love handles! Your body functions perfectly only when it is well-rested. Irregular sleep patterns disturb your body’s metabolism and, thus, result in weight gain.

#6. Quit drinking

Weight Loss

Did you think that ‘beer belly’ was a joke? Unfortunately, it is not. The liver is your body’s chief blood detoxifier and fat metaboliser; due to alcohol, it becomes unable to perform these functions efficiently. Alcohol spoils your liver, thus, leading to weight gain.

It is always good to get a better understanding of your body’s metabolism. So, next time when you feel that you have tried everything and are still unable to lose weight, then try shedding some light on these factors, as well.

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