These 7 Reasons Will Convince You That Love At First Sight Is Not Always A Good Idea


By Manushree Chaumal Last Updated:


These 7 Reasons Will Convince You That Love At First Sight Is Not Always A Good Idea

Ever wondered why people say, ‘do not judge a book by its cover?’ or, ‘why not to buy a product just because it looks tempting?’ Even a sumptuous looking dish might not be as tasty as you expected it to be. Though these things are nothing compared to the complexities of love, they can give you an idea on what we are talking about.

Yes, love at first sight can be wonderful. But, it can be like a book you bought without knowing its content just because it had a beautiful cover. Well, here we tell you the reasons why falling in love at first sight is not always a good idea.


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#1. It can be shallow

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Love at first sight can be shallow. Yes, you heard it right. It is all about sheer physical attraction since you are attracted to the person’s good-looking face, or perhaps their body. All the feelings are related to the physical aspects of this person. Trust us, this has got nothing to do with love.

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#2. It is all in the mind

Image Courtesy: Chalte Chalte

When you are attracted to a person, you automatically start liking everything about them. Once you get over their looks and start talking to the person, you will majorly be in awe because of the attraction factor. And, at times, even when you know that the person has made stupid or insensitive remarks, or has done some questionable things, you will still continue to like that person. You will keep making excuses for them and just fail to notice obvious signs of incompatibility.

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#3. Anticipation adds to the charm

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Suppose your first meeting went well, and you loved the person– you will be all geared up to meet them for a second time. You will think only positive things about the person. And, you will start thinking about a future with this person.

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#4. You will go blind in love

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You will soon be head-over-heels for his person. No one else will matter to you. Your friends, family, and colleagues, everyone will take a backseat. Even your friends’ warnings will mean nothing. You will see this person through your rose-tinted glasses. You will not realise what is happening unless this initial rush of love diminishes slightly.

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#5. Your love may remain unrequited

Image Courtesy: Hasee Toh Phasee

By the time you realise that this person is perhaps not the right one for you, it might be too late. Just because you fell in love with them, it does not mean that they will fall for you too. You will try your best to make them happy, but they may never find it enough. You will not find any real happiness in such a situation, and end up heartbroken.

#6. The fall is a steep one

Image Courtesy: Gunday

After sometime, when you come out of the haze of love, you will see them just as they are. You will realise you have not hung out with your besties for ages, probably because your partner did not like them. You have not done things you loved, or spent much quality time with family. So, once your infatuation wears off all your lovey-dovey dreams will come crashing down and you will get a clearer picture of the mess you landed yourself in.

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#7. Things can get ugly

Image Courtesy: Ek Villain

Love is all-consuming. And, it takes time to truly fall in love with a person. After, the initial ‘love-at-first-sight’ moment is over, you will see if the person you fell for is a good human being or a manipulative person. If it is the later situation, then things will eventually get ugly where you may get mentally or physically harassed.

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Without any real conversation, you will only be projecting your own fantasies on this person. But, as they say ‘to each their own’. A romance churned out this way need not always go wrong. Even though love at first sight is not very logical, when has love ever listened to logic or reason? 

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